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Benazir Bhutto and American Elections

An edited and expanded version of this article is now published on the IPCS website. It can be found here.


Anonymous said…
Good write up!
I initially wrote a long comment, but it disappeared due to some problems in my net connection, and could not be posted. i have no energy to articulate again, just trying to pen a summarised version...might not make much sense though.
It is, I feel, only the language is different, as u have also pointed out, but I don't think there is any substantial difference between democratic and Republican candidates on foreign policy issues. Unlike the inter-world war years, the debate is no longer on Isolationism and Interventionism. The context in current times has clearly been Interventionism, but differences are just nuances here and there. Language might appear subtle or hardliner, but the action and plan are not different, not are they gonna be diffrent. With this bait how far u feel the assasination and assassinators of Benazir would achieve? And who are the authors??Does not the whole world want them to be Al-Qaeda only? Most will be disappointed to find an independent disgruntled group or even military behind the killing. But even if they are Mehsud and Qaeda co. behind the attack, did they do it keeping in mind the US elections? The hay is made on the event by the smart and dumb candidated in America as done everywhere else. The terror horse is the best bet these days to win the race. And this horse is the best company for both the sides who call each other terrorists.
What u feel of the next thread of the debate that Civilizations have begun to clash, or to put it in modified Huntington version that the Islamic forces(not all musalmaans) and Most of other religionists are preparing for clash? Skirmishes have already begun..

p.s. Time to return an old compliment...With that cap and other items though sans the glasses, u r looking THE great HERO..............Well, I meant Sunny Paa ji.

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