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Modi in Mongolia: Talking Points

Narendra Modi's visit to Mongolia was the first by an Indian PM. Here are my talking points on that visit from a meeting-presentation.

  • India was the first country to recognise Mongolia apart from the Soviet Bloc
  • Mongolia was the cosponsor of the UN resolution in 1972, along with Bhutan and India, that recognised Bangladesh.
  • India’s first Ambassador in Mongolia was Sonam Norboo, hailing from Ladak
  • Mongolia is also seeking to expand its foreign relations with countries other than China and Russia under the policy of “Third Neighbour”.
  • During most of the 20th century, Mongolia, due to its close links to Moscow, was said to be a country in Eastern Europe, not East Asia, where it is geographically positioned.
  • 90 percent of Mongolian exports, most of it minerals, copper, gold, uranium and coal, go to China.
  • China has always pressurized Mongolia for its relations with the dalai Lama, during his last visit in 2011, China lodged strong protest, During the 2002 visit china had locked the borders and stopped the railways for 2 days leaving more than 500 people stranded.
  • Interesting factor about Mongolia is that it has chosen to be outside the SCO and it has close contacts and regular exchange visits with North Korea.
  • India Mongolia trade at $35 million.
  • Narendra Modi’s visit was first by an Indian Prime Minister.
  • It is the highpoint of the policy of “Act East”.
  • It also marked the 60 years of diplomatic relations between India and Mongolia and 25 years of Mongolian Democracy.
  • Prime Minister’s speech at the parliament referred to this fact more than once. The teachings of Lord Buddha are reflected in the principles of democracy. I quote “The path of righteousness is based on freedom of mind, liberty of thought, liberty of action and liberty of speech. These are the foundations of democracy. It is defined by recognition of inter-dependence, acceptance of diversity and belief in co- existence.  Its essence is the freedom of human beings, faith in dialogue, rule of law, and resolution of differences through peaceful means. if we follow the Right Path of the master, it will also be natural to walk on the path of democratic values”. 
  • PM also sought to project his foreign policy as an extension of domestic policy. And I quote,  “So, as we transform the lives of our people, we also create opportunities for the world. And, we increase our ability to help our friends. This is the urge of the land of Buddha and Gandhi. This is the instinct born from our ancient belief in the world as one family.” It is noteworthy that the Chinese foreign policy language with neighbourhood is extremely similar in tone to this pronouncement.
  • He also said that “The convergence of Buddhism and democracy provides us a path to build an Asia of peace and cooperation, harmony and equality”. 
  • Energy is one of the biggest drivers for India Mongolia relations. I quote PM Modi, “Mongolia’s rich mineral resources can fuel our partnership. And, I hope that location will not be a constraint on Mongolia’s right to choose its partners.” 
  • PM handed over the Bhabhatron equipment that can help treat cancer to Mongolia’s public hospital. He saw this as the “first demonstration of our cooperation in the civil nuclear sector.”
  • India increased the Indian Technical & Economic Cooperation Programme ITEC training slots for Mongolia from 150 to 200. PM announced the project to establish an India-Mongolia Joint School.
  • India will help establish a cyber-security centre in Mongolia’s defence and security establishment. 
  • Mongolia got $1 bn line of credit from India.
  • Just prior to PM visit India also signed MoUs for enhancing cooperation on border guarding, surveillance and policing 


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