Having known south Mumbai in minute details and knowing this area well, having walked around extensively to be at the Gateway to inhale a sense of freedom that the air in this part of country gives, I, a diehard Mumbaikar, am particularly disturbed by the war that these terrorists have waged on my city and my country. I just keep getting the feeling all through these times that I am in deep sleep and this is one of those nightmares I will forget after waking up. I wish. The pain of the victims’ families and the destruction are heartbreaking but what bothers me more is the shallowness expressed by some of our citizen, who are famous for being famous, in this hour of serious contemplation.
I am talking of the Suhel Seth phenomena. He was loud and clear in his criticism not just of the terrorists but also equally of government mechanism and apparatus. The problem I have in this is not just that his criticism of the system in the situation is unfair, but he was jumping the guns too early. He was on air at 11.00pm, Wednesday night, even before the gravity of the situation became clear. Even on day 2, his language was more of abuse than of a critic who is able to come up with alternate ideas.
Suhel Seth is not a Mumbaikar, I am not talking in the parlance of Raj Thackrey here but saying this because I know that all he has done is to bask in the glory of the media all though these hours. Did he help people in distress? Did he talk to the victims’ families? Did he donate blood when the hospitals had acute shortages? Where was he on 7/11 and on the more recent instances of terror?
I am not speaking for the government at this moment, but what I want is the media to stop giving valuable airtime to the people as shallow as him and wasting our time. On a serious lighter note, can we take news channels to consumer court for providing below quality content?
And if that was not enough, did you notice RGV and CM's son "inspecting" Taj like it was a walk in the park?