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Foxconn Model: China and India

In my recently submitted PhD thesis I took a quick look at the Foxconn model of China's engagement with the world economy. Sharing that section here as Foxconn enters India with a $5bn commitment to investment in an industrial park. While investment is welcome, India must learn from mistakes that China made in the past 30 years and try and avoid them. 
Of course, workers' exploitation and suicides by Foxconn workers is a known issue and not going to intervene into it here. 

(of course, if one is interested in knowing how factories like Foxconn work, one must read Leslie Chang's Factory Girls)

Foxconn, Apple and iPad: China and the issue of Value-Addition
Apple’s iconic product iPad is produced in China by Foxconn Inc., which is a registered company in Taiwan. During 2010-2011, Foxconn was embroiled in a major controversy over labour abuse issues after it came to light, following a spate of worker suicides, that the workers at the iPad production facility were not only overworked but also grossly underpaid. There have also been issues of neglect of workplace safety as deadly explosions and chemicals caused injuries have been reported in the past at Foxconn’s production facilities dedicated to Apple products. Neither Apple nor Foxconn is likely to change their business strategies due to input cost pressures. The case of Foxconn and Apple is nothing more than the tip of the iceberg as far as the nature of China’s industrial and trade engagement with the world is concerned.[1] iPad, sold in retail in the US between $350 and $600 had a very little value addition in its production stages inside China. Even then, the production stages involving the Foxconn’s factories are critical for Apple’s success because it keeps the costs low. Apple’s gross margin from iPads produced in China is about 54 percent. If the margins were to be same, media research estimates, the wholly made in the USA iPad would cost the end user nearly $1140, which is more than double when it is made in China (Thompson, 2011). Therefore, the case of Foxconn highlights China’s utility in the production chain. Thomson also cautions that input costs calculation did not involve the cost of producing metal in the US.

                           Figure 6.1 Distribution of Value for iPad, 2010

Source: Kenneth L. Kraemer, Greg Linden and Jason Dedrick (2011), Capturing Value in Global Networks; Apple’s iPad and iPhone, PCIC Paper, 5
This factor reinforces China’s low value-added position in the global production chains. China’s attractiveness in the global production chain is because of its low-cost but high-skilled labour-force and its world-class production infrastructure facilities. However, it does not do much in terms of the Chinese value addition to the products that China exports. Figure 5.2 reinforces this idea with reference to iPad’s approximate price breakdown.

[1] For a detailed account of Foxconn production system for Apple see Charles Duhigg and David Barboza (2012), “in China, Human Costs are built into an iPad”, New York Times, 25 January 2012.


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